Mountain Money Blog

1st Quarter Client Note

By Steven Smith | April 11, 2013

Reflecting relief from the New Year’s Eve (at least temporary) avoidance of the “fiscal cliff,” equity markets continued their strong recovery from the financial crisis of 2008. Economic activity in the US also continued to pick up, albeit at a slow pace. (On average, although fairly volatile from quarter-to-quarter, GDP continues to grow at about […]

4th Quarter Client Note

By Steven Smith | January 20, 2013

It is sometimes said that the stock market climbs a “wall of worry” – meaning that it overcomes uncertainty, or even bad news. By any measure, that is what happened in 2012. And there remains plenty of uncertainty for 2013. Believe it or not, this year will mark the fifth anniversary of the 2008 financial […]

Cliff Notes: Peering over the Fiscal Cliff and Living to Tell the Story

By Steven Smith | December 27, 2012

The “fiscal cliff” is staring us in the face. The best chance of averting the consequences of failure to reach agreement will be in January, after the new Congress is seated. In the meantime, it is good to understand the details and to also do some planning.

Putting the Community in Community Foundation

By Steven Smith | November 30, 2012

Occasionally I write articles for The Summit Foundation newsletter. This piece explores the genesis of the community foundation model and how The Summit Foundation exemplifies it in many respects.

3rd Quarter Client Note

By Steven Smith | October 12, 2012

Asset classes gained virtually across the board in the third quarter. The S & P 500 (total return) Index increased 6.35% for the quarter, is up 16.44% for the year and is sitting at right around a five-year high. The Russell 2000 Index of small cap stocks gained 5.25%. Even international stocks, which have recently […]

Investment Portfolio Construction for Heroes

By Steven Smith | September 24, 2012

True investors know how to replace the heroic hope of speculation with long-term, structured strategy. You can avoid the heroics by building and maintaining an investment portfolio guided by your personal goals and the robust evidence on how markets have delivered long-term returns.

2nd Quarter Client Note

By Steven Smith | July 10, 2012

Questions whirling around such global and fundamental issues as how the Eurozone and Greece will hammer out an agreement and the on-going uncertainty of the U.S. political scene in this presidential election year led to modest domestic declines and even greater declines in the international markets.

Summit Foundation Educational Workshop: “Saving the Family Cottage”

By Steven Smith | July 6, 2012

The Summit Foundation’s fourth annual educational workshop will be held Friday, July 13th at Beaver Run Resort & Conference Center, 9:00–11:00 am. This year, we have the honor of hosting Cottage Law attorney and author David Fry, Esq., who will present “Saving the Family Cottage.” Join us for an information-packed session where you will learn ways to preserve the family vacation home for future generations and minimize the expense and agony along the way.

Preparing for Disaster and Preventing Financial Ruin: 5 Lessons from a Wildfire Victim

By Steven Smith | June 25, 2012

As wildfires have raged across Colorado and other parts of the country in a shockingly early and devastating fire season, families and whole communities are reeling from the destruction. Whether you are a victim of such disasters, care for people directly affected, or simply want to be more prepared, guest blogger Beth Byerlein offers first-hand lessons to help every home-owner cope with loss and reduce its financial impact.

Compelling Interview With SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro

By Steven Smith | June 5, 2012

In this compelling interview, fellow Franklin & Marshall College alum Mary Schapiro discusses how her previous experiences shape her SEC leadership today, as well as the benefits of collaboration, the ways that the SEC uses the advisor perspective in developing policy, and how the SEC will move past the 2008 financial crisis with certain safety nets having been removed by Congress. For anyone interested in how the markets will be regulated moving forward, this interview at the Investment Company Institute Conference is 43 minutes well spent!

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