Mountain Money Blog

Recognizing and Preventing the Growing Epidemic of Senior Financial Abuse

By Steven Smith | November 24, 2013

Senior financial abuse has become an epidemic in this country. But there are ways to recognize it and try to prevent yourself or a loved one from becoming a victim.

A Closer Look at Nobel-Prize-Winning Ironies

By Steven Smith | November 23, 2013

My earlier post on Professor Eugene Fama’s Nobel Prize in Economics needed a bit of a side bar tying together my thoughts on a couple of the ironies exposed by his award.

Nobel Honors an Honorable Man

By Steven Smith | November 15, 2013

Dr. Eugene F. Fama, one of my few heroes, recently won the Nobel Prize in Economics. It sure is nice to have the work of such great and thoughtful men on which to build a business – and a life.

3rd Quarter Market Review

By Steven Smith | October 15, 2013

Dimensional Funds Advisors’ Quarterly Market Review provides an in depth, but accessible, view of the performance of the global capital markets. Also included is a brief tip on how to ride the “emerging markets tiger” in your portfolio.

3rd Quarter Client Note

By Steven Smith | October 15, 2013

Every time I sit down to write a quarterly client note reviewing the investment news of the most recent quarter, there’s a conflagration brewing in the current quarter that overwhelms the discussion. This quarter is no different.

2nd Quarter Market Review

By Steven Smith | July 11, 2013

Our friends at Dimensional Fund Advisors graciously provide us with a robust and detailed review of the world capital market performance. Attached is their Quarterly Market Review. The report includes: a global overview, timeline of events, and the returns of asset classes in both US and international markets. Also included are returns for globally diversified index portfolios […]

2nd Quarter Client Note

By Steven Smith | July 11, 2013

The coining of a new phrase – “taper tantrum” – spiced up a volatile second quarter. Reacting swiftly to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s late June announcement that there was some evidence of improvement in the economy and a possible change in the Fed’s accommodative monetary policy, skittish investors precipitously sold both stocks (from May’s […]

A Commentary on the PBS Show The Retirement Gamble

By Steven Smith | May 8, 2013

PBS recently aired a Frontline show entitled The Retirement Gamble, profiling the 401(k) industry. If you missed it, it can be viewed here. Polemic in tone, the show is highly critical of the country’s evolution from defined benefit pension plans toward defined contribution 401(k) type plans, and in particular the culture of the industry that […]

How Do You Spell Relief? ATRA! (American Taxpayer Relief Act)

By Steven Smith | May 6, 2013

Congratulations, the 2012 tax season is behind us. Time to start planning for 2013. The dramatic New Year’s Eve peek over – and retreat from – the fiscal cliff did not solve all of the country’s budgetary problems. But it did produce a historic and constructive piece of tax legislation that ended a great deal […]

1st Quarter 2013 Market Review

By Steven Smith | April 25, 2013

Following up on my 1st Quarter Client Note, I am providing a more robust and detailed review of the world capital market performance, graciously provided by our friends at Dimensional Fund Advisors. Attached is their Quarterly Market Review. The report includes: a global overview, timeline of events, and the returns of asset classes in both US and […]

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