
Book Review: The One Page Financial Plan: A Simple Way to be Smart About Your Money, Carl Richards (Penguin 2015)

Running joke: If it’s a one-page financial plan, then why isn’t the book only one page? I first read Carl Richards’ novelty of a book, The One-Page Financial Plan,  when it was published in 2015. But I only recently grabbed it off the shelf to re-read and figure out ways to apply it in our […]

Book Review: The One Page Financial Plan: A Simple Way to be Smart About Your Money, Carl Richards (Penguin 2015) Read More »

Retire Early? Retire Late? Or Retire Right on Time? – Lessons from the Early Retirement Movement

The FIRE movement captured my interest only recently. Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is an aspiration of motivated young people today to stop working and retire in their 30’s and 40’s. As a retirement advisor, seeing the obvious challenges of saving enough money and otherwise getting one’s act together at such an age, I rather

Retire Early? Retire Late? Or Retire Right on Time? – Lessons from the Early Retirement Movement Read More »

Dreaming of a Mountain Retirement

Do the mountains call you for your dream retirement? Many people, including most of my clients, aspire to retire to the active lifestyle, fresh air and natural beauty of the Colorado mountains. What will it take to achieve that dream?  Here are some considerations for planning your mountain retirement: Follow Your Dream       

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Do We Face a Retirement Crisis?

In an article in Advisor Perspectives, actuary, financial planner and retirement researcher Joe Tomlinson delves into the question: Do We Face a Retirement Crisis? The “we” Tomlinson refers to is American society as a whole. His conclusion is that the “crisis” for the current generation of retirees is a bit overblown, but the future looks

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A Commentary on the PBS Show The Retirement Gamble

PBS recently aired a Frontline show entitled The Retirement Gamble, profiling the 401(k) industry. If you missed it, it can be viewed here. Polemic in tone, the show is highly critical of the country’s evolution from defined benefit pension plans toward defined contribution 401(k) type plans, and in particular the culture of the industry that

A Commentary on the PBS Show The Retirement Gamble Read More »

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