
The IRA Charitable Rollover – Laserlike Tool for the Seasoned Philanthropist

‘Tis the season…for charitable giving. In our last post, we discussed the basics of the new tax law, its possible effects on charitable donations and the concept of “bunching” and a Donor Advised Fund as a workaround. Today we address the IRA charitable rollover – or, more technically, the qualified charitable distribution (QCD). IRA Goes […]

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Regaling the Donor Advised Fund – The Swiss Army Knife of Charitable Giving

Nothing sharpens the mind like a deadline. Sometime around Halloween, when we have a couple of months left in the year, we begin to think in earnest about our charitable giving. On account of the charitable contribution deduction on Schedule A of the 1040 individual income tax return, many taxpayers scramble to complete their charitable

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Children and Philanthropy

Denver Post columnist Bruce DeBoskey continues to nail it in his On Philanthropy column. This week’s column, on the subject of engaging children in philantropy, is chock full of ideas and resources for getting kids away from their computer screens and out there making a contribution. Involving children (and grandchildren) in philanthropy is a great way for

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Remembering Philanthropy

We all have something to give — time, money, ideas or things that we can send out into the world — to make it a better place. The recession and agonizingly slow recover, however, have pushed most of us to ignore or slow down on various forms of giving. Don’t let your philanthropic intents slide; instead, great or small, make them a robust part of your financial planning and you will reap the rewards even during difficult times.

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